Level | 50 | Respawn Time | 36s. |
HP | 2 245 | MP | 921 |
P.Atk. | 509 | M.Atk. | 264 |
P.Def. | 280 | M.Def. | 227 |
Accuracy | 83 | Evasion | 83 |
EXP | 3 252 | SP | 245 |
Attack Attribute | No Attack Attribute | Defence Attribute |
Fire, 20 Water, 20 Wind, 53 Earth, 20 Holy, 20 Unholy, 20 |
Item | Amount | Chance |
Group chance: 18.0988% | ||
Oriharukon Ore NG | 1 | 3.0391% |
Recipe: Drake Leather Boots NG | 1 | 1.2738% |
Recipe: Full Plate Boots NG | 1 | 1.2738% |
Mold Glue NG | 1 | 1.5199% |
Asofe NG | 1 | 1.5199% |
Chest with Life Stone NG | 1 | 0.2153% |
Item | Amount | Chance |
Akat Longbow Shaft NG | 1 | 0.5965% |
Recipe: Divine Tunic NG | 1 | 0.9943% |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+3 Con-3> NG | 1 | 0.2364% |
Skill |
Humanoids |
HP Increase (1/2x) |
Bow/Crossbow Resistance |
Dagger/Rapier Resistance |
Greater Sleep Resistance |
Greater Hold Resistance |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |
Tanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 48 |